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Rivercrest has been blessed with an increasing number of young, growing families, and we believe that while it's true that our kids are the church of the future, it's equally true that they are vital members of the church today. So, our aim is to invite our kids into the journey of faith with us at each step, practicing the way of Jesus, together.


All of our RiverKids helpers have read our child care policy, are trained, and have completed a thorough background check prior to serving in our Kids Area.

For those visiting with us for the first time, make your way to the RiverKids Check-In Desk and we will gladly show you our RiverKids rooms. You can also go ahead and fill out the information card ahead of time to allow for a quicker check in process.

Kids Sunday Schedule.png

We provide the nursery as an option for families, but never as a mandate. If you would prefer to keep your children with you in worship, please know that they are welcome. Our desire is to meet each family where they are in the discipleship of their kids. 


Kids in K5 - 5th grade are encouraged to join us for RiverKids each Sunday from 9:30-10:15am in the RiverKids Room. In the intentional time, our desire is to provide an opportunity for our kids to connect with one another, to be taught the truths of God, and to begin to think together about how we are all called and equipped to serve God as ambassadors of His kingdom on earth.


After finishing Kindergarten, we do ask that kids join their families or caretakers throughout the Worship Service.

A Mother's Room is available for nursing moms or for those with crying infants throughout the service.


"Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God."

Luke 18:16

Our hope is to incorporate our kids into the worship service as quickly as they are ready.


We do this for several reasons:


1. Children need to see adults worship, and adults need to see children worship. We are one church.


2. We want to see relationships built across all generations within the local body of Christ.


3. Sharing together in the Worship Service provides opportunities for us to talk about those things with our children. We encourage each child to take a Sermon Notes for Kids Page before the service to help follow along (they are available just inside the sanctuary doors).


4. Children will be exposed to the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper, hear the Word of God proclaimed, and have prayer modeled for them in the context of worship.


5. Children need to know that they are not just the Church of tomorrow, as some have stated, but that they are vital participants in the Church of today! Children help in serving, they participate in joining their voices together in song, and they help to greet those who are gathered.


6. Children need to know that the Church is there to sustain them in every stage of life.


If you have questions about our Kids Ministry, feel free to connect with Samantha Wilkerson.

If you have questions about our Nursery Area, feel free to connect with Cayden Williams.


Loving God.

Loving Others.

Practicing the Way of Jesus, Together.


Sundays at 8:30am and 10:30am

Coffee 9:45-10:15


4766 Sunset Blvd

Lexington, SC 29072



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© 2024 Rivercrest Presbyterian Church 

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